Customer-oriented systems
The Customer-oriented solutions are complete products developed for the concrete Customer. Every Customer-oriented system results from the individual work with the client taking into account specific details of his business processes. The “ordered” software allows to solve problems that could not be solved with standard solutions. The Customer-oriented system is made according to the principle: “The system for the user, but not the user for the system”.
In the field of IT, the predominant specialty of SSL is design and development of Customer-oriented corporate territory-distributed information systems based upon the products of the world leader in the IT-industry – the IBM Company.
The development of Customer-oriented systems includes the full cycle of tasks, such as: collection and analysis of data needed for automation, definition of the requirements, designing, implementation, introducing, testing and maintenance of the system. The specific features of the approach to designing of Customer-oriented IS are:
- fundamental analysis of the Customer’s business as a base for working out the solutions corresponding to the actual goals and problems of the Customer;
- detail elaboration and coordination with the Customer of all stages of the project development, control points and required resources;
- support of convenient mode of maintenance, modification and extension of the system;
- provision of openness, mobility and scalability of the system.
When the development and installation of IS at the Customer’s office is over, SSL provides corresponding technical maintenance during the warranty period. After this period, SSL may conclude an Agreement with the Customer for additional maintenance and development of the system, such as upgrade of software, extension of its functionality, additional training of the personnel etc.
Examples of the Customer-oriented systems developed by SSL: