R&D papers
[1] Kasansky Y.A. et al, “Self-controlled Reactor of Super Small Power for Heat Supply “MASTER-INPE””, (Nuclear Power, pp. 63-71, #3, 2003).
[2] Levtchenko V.A. et al, “General Characteristics of Americium Reactor for Neutron Therapy. Reactor MARS”, (Nuclear Power, pp. 72-82, #3, 2003).
[3] Kasantsev À., Levtchenko Y., Leonov I. et al, “Influence of Track Geometry Deviation in Two-Loop Hydraulic Model on Total Hydraulic Resistance Uncertainties”, (Nuclear Power, pp. 81-85, #3, 2005).
[4] Kasantsev À., Pozdnyakov À. et al, "3D Transient calculations of PGV-1000 based on TRAC", (The 11-th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal - Hydraulic (NURETH-11), Popes palace Conference Center, Avignon, France, October 2-6, 2005).
[5] Kasansky Y., Kuratchenko Y., Levtchenko A., Matusevitch Å., “Beam Removal and Block & Shielding Design for MARS Neutron Therapy Reactor”, ("Nuclear Power", pp. 36-48, #4, 2006).
[6] Levtchenko A., Tkatchuk À. et al, "An MCDA Approach for Establishing GPRA Metrics. - Oil Spill Response", (NATO Security through Science Series, Managing Critical Infrastructure Risks. Springer Netherlands, pp. 261-298. 2007).
[7] Kasantsev À., Kasansky Y., Levtchenko A., Levtchenko V. et al, “Some Neutron-Physical and Thermal Hydraulic Characteristics of MASTER Reactor Improved Design”, ("Nuclear Power", pp. 41-50, #1, 2008).
[8] Kasantsev À., Pozdnyakov À., Sergeev V. et al, “Neutron-Physical and Thermal Hydraulic Model of VVER-1000 Reactor for Training Course”, («Nuclear Power, pp. 99-106, #2, 2008).
[9] Kasantsev À., “Development of Thermal Hydraulic Code KANAL and Thermal Physics Models for NPP Simulation”, ("Nuclear Power", pp. 94-103, #4, 2008).
[10] Kasantsev À., Kondratiev À., “Simple Formulas for Thermodynamics Properties of Sodium”, ("Nuclear Power", pp. 86-94, #4, 2008).
[11] V.Barshevtsev, V.Levchenko, Y.Kazansky et al., “Design Concept of Self-Contained Low Power Reactor MASTER for Heat Supply”, (Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 50, Issues 2-6, pp. 314-319, March-August 2008).
[12] Kasantsev À., Sergeev V. et al, “Simulation of Dynamic Processes for VVER-1000 Reactor”, («Nuclear Power, #1, pp. 98-104, 2009).