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2011 ã.

The letter of thanks for participation in an exhibition of the second Obninsk innovation forum.

2008 ã.

The Reactor Facility MARS for Neutron Therapy of Oncology Diseases” project was rewarded with the Silver Medal and “The Reactor Facility of Small Power MASTER” project – with Diploma at VIII Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments, March 3-6, 2008, Russia Exhibition Center.

2008 ã.

“The Reactor Facility of Small Power MASTER” project – with Diploma at VIII Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments, March 3-6, 2008, Russia Exhibition Center.

2008 ã.

Medal of the ninth International forum high technologies of the 21st century for development of Autonomous reactor installation of low power the MASTER.

2008 ã.

Medal of the ninth International forum high technologies of the 21st century for development of Reactor installation for neutron therapy of oncological diseases MARS.

2008 ã.

The diploma of the ninth International forum high technologies of the 21st century for participation in an exhibition and achievements in the field of high technologies.

2008 ã.

The diploma for active participation in the VIII Moscow International Salon of innovations and investments

2007 ã.

The diploma of the III ATOMTEK International specialized exhibition for active participation in an exhibition, informational content and the innovative nature of the presented exposition.

2006 ã.

The diploma for participation in the Chernobyl, Ecology, Person, Health exhibition.

2006 ã.

The diploma for participation in the VI international specialized exhibition "Atomic Industry" within the International Nuclear Forum.

2005 ã.

60 years of Nuclear sector. The honorable Diploma for a contribution, formation and development of the industry.

2004 ã.

60 years of Nuclear sector. The honorable Diploma for a contribution, formation and development of the industry.

2004 ã.

SPEDOG- portable spectrometer-dosimeter of gamma-radiation took the first place in the cîmpetition on the Best Applied Project “From a high level of fundamental studies to high technologies” held by Scientific-applied Investigations Support Fund established attached to Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Science on applied nuclear physics.

2004 ã.

The diploma for revival of a scientific and industrial complex of Russia and participation in the IX international exhibition congress "High technologies. Innovations. Investments".

2004 ã.

Golden medal
of Week of high technologies in St.-Petersburg for the project «Spectrometer-dosimenter of gamma-radiation "SPEDOG"

2004 ã.

Silver medal of Week of high technologies in St.-Petersburg for the project «Medicine reactor «MARS» for neutron-capture therapy»

2003 ã.

Reward Russian National Olympus in nomination “Outstanding enterprises of middle and small business” for remarkable contribution in social-economy development of Russia.

2002 ã.

Silver medal of Week of high technologies in St.-Petersburg for the project «Technology of the Simulators Development»

2002 ã.

The diploma for development of professional skills and natural opportunities of the person and active participation in the Training Technologies exhibition.

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