2011 ã. | The letter of thanks for participation in an exhibition of the second Obninsk innovation forum. |
2008 ã. | The Reactor Facility MARS for Neutron Therapy of Oncology Diseases” project was rewarded with the Silver Medal and “The Reactor Facility of Small Power MASTER” project – with Diploma at VIII Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments, March 3-6, 2008, Russia Exhibition Center. |
2008 ã. | “The Reactor Facility of Small Power MASTER” project – with Diploma at VIII Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments, March 3-6, 2008, Russia Exhibition Center. |
2008 ã. | Medal of the ninth International forum high technologies of the 21st century for development of Autonomous reactor installation of low power the MASTER. |
2008 ã. | Medal of the ninth International forum high technologies of the 21st century for development of Reactor installation for neutron therapy of oncological diseases MARS. |
2008 ã. | The diploma of the ninth International forum high technologies of the 21st century for participation in an exhibition and achievements in the field of high technologies. |
2008 ã. | The diploma for active participation in the VIII Moscow International Salon of innovations and investments |
2007 ã. | The diploma of the III ATOMTEK International specialized exhibition for active participation in an exhibition, informational content and the innovative nature of the presented exposition. |
2006 ã. | The diploma for participation in the Chernobyl, Ecology, Person, Health exhibition. |
2006 ã. | The diploma for participation in the VI international specialized exhibition "Atomic Industry" within the International Nuclear Forum. |
2005 ã. | 60 years of Nuclear sector. The honorable Diploma for a contribution, formation and development of the industry. |
2004 ã. | 60 years of Nuclear sector. The honorable Diploma for a contribution, formation and development of the industry. |
2004 ã. | SPEDOG- portable spectrometer-dosimeter of gamma-radiation took the first place in the cîmpetition on the Best Applied Project “From a high level of fundamental studies to high technologies” held by Scientific-applied Investigations Support Fund established attached to Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Science on applied nuclear physics. |
2004 ã. | The diploma for revival of a scientific and industrial complex of Russia and participation in the IX international exhibition congress "High technologies. Innovations. Investments". |
2004 ã. | Golden medal of Week of high technologies in St.-Petersburg for the project «Spectrometer-dosimenter of gamma-radiation "SPEDOG" |
2004 ã. | Silver medal of Week of high technologies in St.-Petersburg for the project «Medicine reactor «MARS» for neutron-capture therapy» |
2003 ã. | Reward Russian National Olympus in nomination “Outstanding enterprises of middle and small business” for remarkable contribution in social-economy development of Russia. |
2002 ã. | Silver medal of Week of high technologies in St.-Petersburg for the project «Technology of the Simulators Development» |
2002 ã. | The diploma for development of professional skills and natural opportunities of the person and active participation in the Training Technologies exhibition. |