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Archive Database of Enterprise Documentation

Electronic archive is intended for registration, storage, classification and quick access to the documents of various types, circulating inside the enterprise. The Electronic Archive developed by the Company is incorporated into the document workflow system of Smolensk TC, SATOS system, and is extensively used in the Compаny itself.

The Electronic Archive allows to store and jointly use documents both within a separate working group or department, and a large territorially distributed (corporate) enterprise. The system envisages means of document protection from the unauthorized access.

The Electronic Archive has a File, which contains registration forms of archive documents, and one or several Archive Bases designed to store electronic documents. Archive Bases connected with the given File can be located on various nodes of the corporate network, have different access levels and fall into several subject groups.

Электронный Архив позволяет организовать учет как электронных, так и бумажных документов, посредством заполнения для них регистрационных формуляров.

In case of electronic document, the registration form is connected with the "container" document in the Archive Base, which can contain files of any format that were used while preparing this document. Further on, access to these files will be fulfilled both with the help of initial applications, and built-in browsers. Thus, access rights to the registration form and the contents of the document can be assigned independently, which adds flexibility to data protection.

For a paper document, only registration form is filled out, which gives possibility to indicate hardcopy location in the paper document archive. If a "librarian" has been assigned, the Electronic Archive allows to organize ordering/issue of the paper documents.

The Electronic Archive also envisages means of navigation, sorting and search of all registered in the information space documents, as well as the mechanism of notification of all interested users about new entries.

It is possible to create an arbitrary number of Files at the enterprise, and each of them can be connected with an arbitrary number of Archive Bases, which allows to organize necessary differentiation into levels of access, subjects, load on various areas of network, etc.

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