For twenty years of operation in high technology market, SSL gathered the staff of highly-skilled specialists experienced in science and engineering work both in Russian and foreign companies and capable of tackling difficult and extensive engineering tasks. Accrued business contacts let the company engage world-class experts at different stages of projects implementation.
Nowadays the company's staff comprises about 70 full-time and half-time workers, among which 7 Doctors of Science and 13 Candidates of Science. SSL permanently enlarges its staff, hiring graduating students of Obninsk State Atomic Power Engineering University (IAPE) and other higher education institutions.
High qualification of the staff and their prodiciency in power industry and modern computer technologies, as well as original software and modern methods of labor organization determine the competitive capacity of the company's products and services.
Business activities of SSL stay in line with the principles of Quality Assurance System and are focused to meet the customer’s requirements. Every employee can feel the contribution he is making in the company's business reputation.