Example of the analytical simulator: reactor department simulator of VVER-1000 (B-338) for Kalinin NPP
The simulator is implemented on IBM PCs and was initially made for OS/2 operation system. Till recently the simulator has been modified to be compatible with Windows NT operation system.
The simulator is a facility for practical training and is intended for:
- initial and continuous training of NPP operators and engineering support staff;
- training in reactor department (RD) process control and monitoring of its conditions in normal and emergency modes;
- verification of training programs, methodology and training documentation (within the framework of simulator technical capabilities) for NPP operating personnel training;
- modelling of transients and finding out reasons of NPP malfunctions;
- validation of the personnel actions in transients described in operating procedures.
The following personnel can be trained using the simulator:
- NPP shift supervisor;
- unit shift supervisor;
- reactor department shift supervisor;
- reactor control principal engineer (reactor operator);
- other specialists at discretion of NPP administration.
The simulator consists of a server, a model machine, an instructor station, operator stations and a printer, connected by a local network. Network protocol is TCP/IP. The server, the process model and the instructor station are on one computer.
The number of operator consoles is arbitrary and is limited only by network capabilities.
The minimal requirements for the computer which runs server, model and instructor station –Intel Pentium 500 MHz processor, RAM 64 Ìb, HDD 2 Gb.
The minimal requirements for operator’s station - Pentium 200 MHz, RAM 32 Mb, HDD 1 Gb.
The simulator is close to a full-scope one in terms of the reactor department equipment and systems simulation scope.
The following systems and equipment are modelled: | | |
- reactor VVER-1000;
- main circulation loops;
- steam generators
- pressuriser system;
- makeup and blowdown system;
- reactor coolant pumps (RCP) with binder;
- RCP closed cooling system;
- RCP lubricating oil system;
- clean condensate system;
- contaminated condensate system and water treatment system;
- boron regulation system;
- boron safety injection system;
- emergency core cooling system;
- spray system;
- ventilation system;
- control systems, including reactor control and protection system and in-core instrumentation system;
- secondary circuit and electrical systems are modelled to the extent, sufficient for the trustworthy functioning of reactor department models.
Reactor is simulated by means of a three-dimensional multigroup diffusion neutronics model. Two-phase non-stationary network model is used to simulate main circulation loops and other branched systems. Two-phase non-equilibrium model is used to simulate the pressuriser. Other tanks are simulated by equilibrium models.
The simulator covers all normal operating modes of NPP Unit, and a wide range of emergency situations and malfunctions.
It has a user-friendly computer interface, by means of which a trainee gets information about process and controls equipment. The interface includes 5 images of reactor control, 23 images of systems control, 15 images emulating annunciator panel, 7 information images – which are replica of plant's information-computing system "ORION" and 4 images of in-core instrumentation system. Moreover there is an overview image of reactor department, where Unit’s main parameters and status of RD systems and equipment are summarised.
Navigation among images is carried out either by choosing from a structured menu in the right part of the screen, or by “mouse” clicking on active fields of fragments (so-called logical passages).
The instructor station has an ergonomic interface by means of which an instructor controls the process of training:
Standard malfunctions are malfunctions of standard equipment: valves, pumps and regulators. All valves, pumps and regulators modelled in this simulator have a set of standard malfunctions fixed for the given class of equipment.
Specific malfunctions are leaks of piping and tanks at locations agreed with a Customer, clogging of filters and a wide range of malfunctions concerned with reactor operating controls, power supply, annunciator panel.Besides, an instructor can disconnect interlocks and initiate false activation of interlocks.