Simulation Systems Ltd. Simulation Systems Ltd.
Quality Assurance System

Main principles of QAS

Principle 1 – Orientation to the Customer

To realize this principle the processes and the proper documented procedures have been developed: À31 – “Marketing and Advertisement”, À34 – “Maintenance of the Products”, À45 – “Monitoring of the Customers’ Satisfaction”. These processes permanently provide SSL’s Management with information on the Customers’ requirements, expectations and satisfactions with SSL’s products. Analyzing this information SSL’s Management makes operational decisions and update the Policy and objectives in the quality sphere with informing further the personnel.

Principle 2 – Strategy of SSL’s Management

QMS has been created by strategy decision of SSL’s Management. To realize this decision all necessary resources have been laid out:

  1. Information System for management and documentation support of QMS operation has been developed.
  2. The designers of QMS procedures have been appointed from SSL’s employees who pass the special training.
  3. SSL’s employees designed QMS documentation required by GOST R ISO 9001-2001 as well as the documentation necessary for QMS effective operation.
  4. The personnel has been trained in the main principles of QMS.
  5. The activities for introduction and maintenance of QMS are performed.

Principle 3 – Involving of employees

SSL’s Management created all necessary conditions to involve all personnel into the development and introduction of QMS. With this aim the meetings on quality are held periodically taking into account the employees’ opinions and wishes in planning of activities in the quality sphere, internal audits of QMS are held and the incentive system for the personnel has been introduced as well. SSL assigns necessary sums to train and improve qualification of its personnel. Project organization of work in SSL makes favorable conditions for delegation of authority and understanding by the employees of their contribution into the end product.

Principle 4 – Process approach

QMS of SSL is built as an assembly of interacting processes. Thus, quality assurance in SSL is an activity aimed at evaluation and monitoring of its effectiveness, analyzing and planning of the processes improvement, distribution of responsibility and authority of the employees according to the processes they participate, etc.

Process approach allows to orient the personnel from different departments to achievement of the same goal and improves interaction of the software designers with its Customer. At the same time unified management of the project is ensured during all stages of its development what allows to solve arising problems operatively and in time modify the products according to the Customer’s wish.

Principle 5 – System approach to management

The system approach to management is necessary in achieving one of the main goals of QMS – improvement of transparency and controllability of SSL’s processes. Integration of these processes into one system and centralized direction of QMS development planning are ensured by the following processes: À41 – “Internal Audits of QMS”, À46 – “Evaluation and Monitoring of the Processes” and also by the processes of À1 group – “Responsibility of Management”. The main goal of À41 processes – “Internal Audits of QMS” and À46 – “Evaluation and Monitoring of the Processes” is to inform periodically SSL’s Management on operation of QMS in whole for updating the unified Policy and objectives in the quality sphere.

Principle 6 – Permanent improvement

This principle is used in practice as the following scheme of making and realizing of the managing decisions connecting all QMS processes (the scheme is developed according to requirements of item 8.5.1 "Continuously improvement” GOST R ISO 9001-2001):
  1. Information on discrepancies, notifications, problems, spheres of possible improvements and recommendations on correcting and preventing actions appears in reports at outputs of the processes of À41 – “Internal Audits of QMS”, À46 – “Evaluation and Monitoring of the Processes” and À45 – “Evaluation of the Customers’ satisfaction”.
  2. The reports are analyzed by Management and as result the instructions on execution of corrections and preventing actions come to management of processes À43 – “Correcting actions” and À44 – “Preventing actions”. If necessary, alongside with operative decisions Direction makes strategy ones which are fixed as modifications of the Policy and objectives in the quality sphere of SSL. Than all personnel is to be informed on these modifications.
  3. After execution of the correcting and preventing actions, the corresponding reports are prepared and sent to Management.
  4. Results of the correcting and preventing actions are additionally verified during internal audits, the final report on which is also sent to Management for analyzing.

Principle 7 – Making decisions on the basis of facts

To manage a company effectively, it is very important to obtain the objective information coming to Management for analysis. Objectivity of information is ensured by the following factors:
  • Information on discrepancies, notifications, problems, spheres of possible improvements may come from different processes of QMS and employees of SSL.
  • The managing decisions are made, as a rule, at special meetings taking into account all interested parties’ points of view.
  • Evaluating QMS processes efficiency and the Customers’ satisfaction with SSL’s products the quantitative information (not qualitative) is preferred.
  • The methods for verification of the information coming to Management are established using the internal audits of QMS.

Principle 8 – mutually beneficial contacts with the Suppliers

Stable and prognostic development of a company is impossible without long-term and mutually beneficial contacts with the Suppliers based upon the partnership including the followings:
  • Analysis of the Suppliers made periodically in the frames of process À221112 – “Purchase of resources”.
  • Making the managing decisions taking into account the Supplier’s interests. It allows to balance the short-term achievements and long-term plans of SSL.
  • Opened exchange of information and mutual planning.
  • Solution of the arising problems with involvement of the both parts’ resources.

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